July 25, 2024

Legends see downfalls too and it is no different in the world of gambling and casinos. There are stories most of the times of big gamblers or winners either losing all their winning amount or facing arrests due to some cheating at casino games. Archie Karas is known for both; losing it all as well as for his many arrests.

The man

Archie Karas was born Anarygyros Karabourniotis in Greece in a family with humble backgrounds. He ran from home as a teenager and began working on a cruise ship. He landed in Oregon with just $50 dollars and many high dreams.

He became famous in the gambling world when he won big in one game after another in a period of little more than two years. During this time he managed to win $40 million. As famous as he is for this winning streak, he is equally known for losing it all in less than a month.

The scandal

Archie’s life is also mired by many cheating scandals over the years. The latest scandal to hit the news was in 2013 when he was arrested in a San Diego casino for marking the cards. He was caught doing this during a game of blackjack at Barona casino and he was found to have access to chips with ink. He hollowed out the chips and used the space to hide the ink to mark the blackjack cards.

However, it seems luck still favours the famous gambler from time to time. The judge on his case handed him three years of probation in lieu of prison time of the same duration. He was also imposed a fine of $6800 on him. However, the judge was generous to Karas and also offered to make his conviction a misdemeanour rather than a felony if he didn’t break any rules for at least a year. Visit here for more information.

Luck might have been on Archie Karas’s side this time, but it is sad to see how the mighty fall and how far. He still has legions of fans who like him for his initial wins. Of late he only seems to be making news for misconducts. Recently, his felony was reduced to mis-demeanour.